The HTC first was the first phone to come integrated with Facebook Home. The exclusivity lasted a mere minutes before it was announced that Home would soon be available via the Google Play store. Once you get past Home, you're left with a mediocre mid-level (at best) android device. HTC first does not come with support for LTE, there's no Beats audio.....although it does come with a 4.3 inch screen at 341 ppi which does make it as nice (better, actually) than the Retina display. All in all, not a very impressive phone and unless you absolutely had to be the first to get Facebook Home....there wasn't a lot of reason to go out and buy this phone. Recent price-drop activities indicate that sales of this device are sluggish to say the least.
Here's what the rest of the internet has to say about the HTC First with Facebook Home:
How to unlock HTC First
The easiest way to unlock any GSM device is via IMEI unlock code. You can acquire an IMEI unlock code most easily by calling the carrier the phone is locked to and requesting the unlock code. With new phones many times the carrier will require a 90 day or longer wait before providing free unlock codes. If you're not interested in waiting for a free HTC First unlock code you can purchase the same code online from a third party, a couple are listed below:
Instructions to enter an HTC unlock code
1. Power on your HTC device with a non-accepted SIM inside
2. Your HTC phone will prompt you for an unlock code
3. Enter the unlock code provided by
4. Your HTC phone is permanently unlocked
2. Your HTC phone will prompt you for an unlock code
3. Enter the unlock code provided by
4. Your HTC phone is permanently unlocked
Please note – All phones manufactured for US carriers manufactured on or after January 26, 2013 are now ILLEGAL to unlock in the USA due to unlocking exemptions expiring in the DMCA. The author of this blog will not knowingly give any advice or provide any service to anyone who wishes to unlock a phone that was purchased from a USA service provider manufactured on or after January 26th, 2013. As a user/reader of this website you accept full responsibility for complying with all local, national, and international laws.
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